About NSAtech L.L.C

Revolutionizing Human Performance 2D & 3D 360 Analysis by One Mobile Camera

who we are


NSAtech L.L.C (Novel Science Artificial Intelligence Technology) was founded in 2020. It is a movement analysis platform 2D & 3D, Endorsed by the Qatar Olympic Committee, developed by a team of biomechanists, physiologists, and computer engineers to create solutions for sport and health. Our vision is to be the global reference for on-field movement analysis through the use of a single camera, to provide sports practitioners with fast, accurate, and meaningful 2D&3D data to inform decisions. we offer 2 main products that could potentially meet some of your needs around fan engagement(e-Fan) and/or human movement analysis (e-Lab). Both products use the same AI technology to track the movement of players or fans from a single video camera, the outputs being visual, analytical, and engaging.  This state-of-the-art patent was awarded as the winner of Expo Dubai 2022 in artificial intelligence technology and blockchain (AIBC), one of the top sports startups in Qatar Sports Tech 2021, and nominated as the best digital solution in Qatar 2022 Ooredoo Hackathon Digital Beyond 2022.

This creative company has won many awards including first place at Expo Dubai’s 2022 AI and blockchain competition held by the Dubai Government and Dubai Media. It was also selected as a top technology in Qatar Sports Tech 2021, an eligible Microsoft technology in 2022, and the best solution for beyond 2022 legacy by QIBC and Ooredoo Hackathon Qatar 2022.

NSAtech aims to be a unicorn technology provider for sports, health and fitness towards the various industries.

Dr. Philip Graham Smith

Dr. Philip Graham Smith


PhD in Biomechanics, Liverpool John Moores University, UK.
30+ years of experience in using tech for sports performance injury prevention
Head of Biomechanics & Innovation at Aspire Academy
Co-Founder of ForceDecks, NMP / Vald Performance Ltd

Dr. Hussain Nikkar

Dr. Hussain Nikkar

Founder and CEO

PhD  in Exercise Physiology, ISSA Certified exercise therapist
15 years of experience in Sports coaching and innovation
Asian Nobel of Innovation for Under 40 Scientists in 2020
Holder 3 international patents

<strong>Sheikh Mansoor Bin Khalifa Al-Thani</strong>

Sheikh Mansoor Bin Khalifa Al-Thani

Chairman of Board

A member of the Qatari ruling family
25+ years of experience in strategic development and venture capital
Founder and Chairman of MBK Holding
Elec Engineer, Texas A&M University-KingsvilleTexas

<strong><strong>Mr.Jyerex Go Abrassado</strong></strong>

Mr.Jyerex Go Abrassado

Chief Financial Officer

15+ years experience in Finance
working experience in KPMG
Auditing, and tax with Qatar Shell GTL
GPA 91% last March 2001 at Misamis University, Ozamiz

Dr. <strong>Hadi Nobari</strong>

Dr. Hadi Nobari

Spain Delegate
Head of the research and development

Ph.D. in Exercise Physiology
Faculty of Sports Science University of Extremadura, Cáceres‎, Spain
Professional Soccer Strength & Conditioning Coach

Mr. <strong><strong>Brad Stephenson</strong></strong>

Mr. Brad Stephenson

Australia Delegate

Australian Certified PGA Advanced Coaching
holds a Diploma of Fitness, and is TrackMan Level II
Pro Golf Coach at education city Golf club Qatar

Dr. <strong><a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/milo%C5%A1-petrovi%C4%87-76403525a/overlay/about-this-profile/?lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Ad_flagship3_profile_view_base%3Bb1rPwrKrRIu1y%2FuaS%2FDjng%3D%3D">Miloš Petrović</a></strong>

Dr. Miloš Petrović

Iceland Delegate

PhD in Biomechanics, Manchester Metropolitan, UK
Assistant professor in biomechanics and sports training at Háskóli Íslands
Lead the performance lab at the Research Center

Mr. <strong><a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/milo%C5%A1-petrovi%C4%87-76403525a/overlay/about-this-profile/?lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Ad_flagship3_profile_view_base%3Bb1rPwrKrRIu1y%2FuaS%2FDjng%3D%3D"><a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/kacper-gregorczyk-334313247/overlay/about-this-profile/">Kacper Gregorczyk</a></a></strong>

Mr. Kacper Gregorczyk

Poland Delegate

MSc in Performance Coaching
Strength and Conditioning Coach

Mr. <strong><a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/milo%C5%A1-petrovi%C4%87-76403525a/overlay/about-this-profile/?lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Ad_flagship3_profile_view_base%3Bb1rPwrKrRIu1y%2FuaS%2FDjng%3D%3D"></a><a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/kacper-gregorczyk-334313247/overlay/about-this-profile/">Gabriele Costantini</a></strong>

Mr. Gabriele Costantini

Luxembourg Delegate

Lead the business and investment development
Business Intelligence Engineer and IT Developer